About Us

BVLD AMS is a non-profit organization registered in the Province of BC with charitable status. We have been operating as a coalition of citizens, industry, local business, health professionals, environmental scientists and community planners since November 2002.

Our mandate is to educate, and increase the understanding of, the public, environmental organizations, government and the press about environmental preservation and restoration by offering workshops, seminars, training and lectures on the topic of air quality and its importance.

We also conduct research relating to air quality, and disseminate to the public the results of such research.

Download the Bulkley Valley Lakes District Airshed Management Society’s Constitution

The AMS has completed the following milestones:

  • Formed a society that includes board members from provincial & local governments, industry & the public
  • First Airshed Management Plan in 2004;
  • Woodstove exchange program in the BVLD airshed created and  implemented for 6 years, beginning in 2006;
  • Host an Annual Open Burners forum; used to organize and ensure forest harvesting and agricultural debris burning occurs during good venting conditions;
  • Produced a Local government toolkit with policy and communication materials to promote fine particulate (PM 2.5) emission reductions;
  • Website with Airshed Management Plan, history, information & resources (www.cleanairplan.ca);
  • Custom venting forecasting system developed and implemented from 2004 to present; and
  • Completion of an updated Airshed Management Plan (2012).
  • Developed an implementation plan for the 2012 plan.
  • We are now engaged in updating the 2005 micro emissions inventory

Check out the following slideshow for some history.

Former Directors

Barry Watson
Ben Weinstein
Brad Layton
Dave Stevens
Frits Goossen
Garth Ehalt, RPF
Greg Tamblyn  
John Siebenga
Lorne Davies
Rob Newell
Susan Schienbein
Derek Meerdink
Troy Reitsma

We would like to acknowledge the support of the Bulkley Valley Research Centre. They have provided open access to their facilities and resources and continue to do so for the duration of the OBAC funded aspects of the community action plan for clean air. We also thank them for supporting our micro emissions inventory.