Energy Conversations
46As part of a research project from UVIC students, communities across the north are asked to engage in conversations around energy. Burns Lake: January 23rd from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the St. John’s…
Causes and Solutions to Indoor Smoke from Wood and Pellet Stoves Webinar
37January 14, 20251-2:30 p.m. ET the link: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USEPAIAQ/bulletins/3cb728e
Registered Burns
32If you want to burn your pile check this out: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/wildfire-status/prevention/fire-bans-and-restrictions/ofts-burn-registration To find registered fires check this out: https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7c6b5180663f443ba0115114264b0620 If don’t see the Burn listed here, odds are they are not registered. Call…
Smoky Skies Bulletins
32One objective of the Clean Air Plan of the Bulkley Valley Lakes District is reporting out on advisories and bulletins issued by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. We thank the…