bvld ams airshed
242Actively engaged in air quality planning, meetings of the Board, members and general public end up in discussions about: Join Us!
Community Wood Smoke Reduction Planning
341Choosing what to do for your local program is fun. So many possibilities exist. Call us to help. In an effort to outline potential for a local community in our valley, I’ve created…
How much of last year were you exposed to poor air quality?
431Smoke density of zero PM2.5 is desirable and possible. We often get these readings at different times of the year. Why should we settle for an average PM2.5 much higher? Pages 2 and…
Outdoor Air Quality and Health
423A presentation from Paula Tait, Health & Resource Development Technical Advisor, Northern Health. We were grateful to have this presentation provided Dec. 8th, 2023. Highlights include a background on primary pollutants versus secondary…
Wood Stove Recycling
377A rebate recipient shares with us her idea of recycling! Ama hiiluxw (good morning) T’yoo yaxsi’y ’niin Ruby Morgan Ruby runs an off grid camp where you can rent 1 or 2 cabins…
National Pollutant Release Inventory
453This site shows pollutants measured in the value in summary form. We are trying to her from the Department and will let the public know when we are able to schedule an information…
Heat Pump Rebate
440This rebate is for folks installing a heat pump or mini split AND have a current EPA certified wood burning appliance OR have just converted from wood heat and recycled or destroyed their…
Cheap Home Air Filters
404CLick here for the previous post Just in MERVE 13 Filters – High Quality, smoke filters for homes. They easily tape to a box fan and clean up a room in no time!…
Sue’s AQ Dashboard
494I think I might be a geek! I am keeping close tabs on the following sites trying to get accurate info. on what’s happening around me. Check it out!
Get the word out
544the printable poster THE BVLD AMS Presentd (220 × 293 px) by genericcwsrp (320 × 427 px) (220 × 294 px) by