RSF stoves in Smithers remain a legacy. These are photos of my friend’s RSF. The stove is beloved by many and referred to in an interview with Trevor who worked at the plant in Smithers as a youth. Even Ally mentions it in a interview and she’s new to the valley!

anonymous woodburner
stove: RSF energy wood/coal heater
tech: 4 burn areas, last with refractory cone
burn: 16 inch log
area: aprox. 1700 square feet

Trevor Ward
The community I am a part of has been gifted this stove
Are you able to share the manual?
Thank you
Trevor Ward
Yes of course! also see: https://icc-rsf.com/fireplace/rsf/previous-models/
Susan Van Zandt
I recently purchased a home which has this RSF Energy Wood/coal Heater/ (31 years old ?). I am looking for a manual so I may understand the stove and also know what I should be doing for maintenance. Can you direct me to a manual?
Thank you in advance.
I can tell you that RSF type stove is now produced and distributed by these guys https://gasfireplace.net/ardent-energy-wood-%26-coal
If you write to them you might get a manual or info.
Otherwise the manual archive for RSF’s is here:
Hi there, have you found what you need – I do know a knowledgable local resource who can help too – let me know if you need to get in touch with him. Cheers, S
Teree Sanderson
I own a ardent but it needs a new fan. Do you have any idea where I can get one???
An Ardent fan – you could try calling
Quality Appliance
3211 Rosenthal Road
Smithers, British Columbia
http://www.qualityappliance.ca or their head office in Quebec and see what they suggest.
Otherwise a search on the web turned up these two – Fireplace Stove World: https://gasfireplace.com/, or https://friendlyfires.ca/products/rsf-rsf-energy-wood-fireplace-replacement-parts/
Kayoko Mitsumatsu
We have almost 40 year old RSF wood stove, looks like the one posted here or Ardent Mark II wood stove. Recently, we noticed that the wood stops buring if the viewing glass is closed and we ended up keeping it open to continue the wood burining. Can you share the manual or if you know how to fix this problem? Thanks. Ken and Kayoko
An Ardent fan – you could try calling
Quality Appliance
3211 Rosenthal Road
Smithers, British Columbia
http://www.qualityappliance.ca or their head office in Quebec and see what they suggest.
Otherwise a search on the web turned up these two – Fireplace Stove World: https://gasfireplace.com/, or https://friendlyfires.ca/products/rsf-rsf-energy-wood-fireplace-replacement-parts/
also – if your door is open that’s ok to get the logs to catch – say 15 mins or more but you should be able to shut that door once those logs are lit. If the door is open for extended periods it will raise the temp in the stove and cause damage to the stove box, overfiring is not good, this will cause damage to your converter. Maybe your draft control needs a fix or you are using wood logs that need to be split smaller or your wood is wet – are you using seasoned wood?
Dave Dunaway
I have a rsf 75-r wood furnace that I’ve installed in my shop. I’m not familiar with this furnace, it seems to not draw that good when the door is closed. Where does the draft air enter the firebox once it goes thru the damper unit? Is there another air intake on the back of the stove? I live in Williams lake bc. Any good resource people I could talk to . Thanks Dave
Hi Dave, You can try this facebook link https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.181273495249889&type=3
Here is an installation and operation manual https://www.manualslib.com/manual/760852/Ardent-F75r.html.
If you don’t get anywhere with these I can give you names of a couple guys up here that might be able to help. Cheers, Sue