bvld ams airshed,  open burning

Registered Burns


If you want to burn your pile check this out:

To find registered fires check this out:

If don’t see the Burn listed here, odds are they are not registered. Call this number to report the pollution.

We encourage you to find an alternative to burning that pile. But if you must the reason we encourage you to register your burn is so we can mitigate the harmful effects of smoke. Having centralized knowledge of how many and where the controlled burns are is, in theory, helpful to air quality planning. You can also use the Ministry of Environment’s venting index for an indication of upcoming weather conditions. In addition you are encouraged to use the best burning practice you can, there is a wealth of information on how to build good hot fires that don’t smolder. Finally there are notification systems that are in place to alert air traffic and others of dangers posed by fire.

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