bvld ams airshed
Cool Maps
660UNBC Cyclone Map version 3 Why? This map is cool because it can be set to show LAYERS of information. On the map you can get Local and Real Time, Temperatures and Smoke…
Valley Temperature: Real Time
699The purple air sensors let us check temperature too. These photos were taken around 4:00pm Friday June 23, 23. Click the photos to check out the real time temps. Give us your feedback.…
The UNBC Cyclone Map
790Very cool. Our PM2.5 particulate levels, BC Wildfire Service fires of note and smoke models – all on one map. Click on the map, check this out and play with the data layers.…
Science Fair Entry Moss Filters
641How do filters affect air quality? Can we measure reductions of Particulate Matter (PM) using natural materials as filters? The Hypothesis: “I believe that the moss will absorb the most PM when compared…
Hyper Local
912This is what the purple air sensors are sometimes referred to. This morning raw PM2.5 data was 45 for a 10 minute average in Witset. Well above recommended levels, again. I waited outside…
Health Messaging
917With health messaging coming from various places, this chart might help you decipher the risk level of your exposure to PM2.5. Most of the BVLD AMS airshed does not have sufficient sensors to…
PM North_Burns
788went to Burns on Saturday for a new wood stove. Here is what I noticed at departure and along the way. Definitely different weather between home and Burns – it had more moisture…
PM North_Witset
594Attached is a report for PM2.5 in Witset. It’s only a brief capture of events from Oct 27 – Nov. 1st. Unfortunately the sensor has been down since then but we are working…
Purple Air Sensor Network Expanding
918Sensors are giving readings all over the valley! We want to thank the for $2500 in funding toward this project. This project is largely volunteer driven but donations from various community organizations, governments…