bvld ams airshed,  heat pump and hydro,  pellet user,  rebate,  woodburner

Heat Pump Rebate


This rebate is for folks installing a heat pump or mini split AND have a current EPA certified wood burning appliance OR have just converted from wood heat and recycled or destroyed their wood burning appliance.

The value of this rebate is $1500.00

Here are your next steps:

  1. Complete the form.
    • PART 1: details like the make and model of your appliances, name and/or evidence of recycling, installation notes.
    • PART 2: the pledge – this information reminds you that wood heat is for those shoulder seasons and should help you reduce the useage of the wood stove. It will also help our sponsors make future estimates on wood useage when there is also a heat pump in action.
    • PART 3: the survey. This is feedback for us!
  2. A couple pics may be necessary.
  3. Mail, Email or drop the form off to us.
  4. Your check will be mailed or dropped off in person.


You have a current EPA wood stove and want to add a heat pump get $1500 and keep that wood stove if it’s a current EPA certification or recycle it if it’s not.

Other rebate types:


You have a wood or pellet boiler but want it upgraded – get $750.

You want to put an insert in your open hearth – get $500 for an electric insert , $300 for a wood insert.

You have an out of date certified wood or pellet stove and want it upgraded – get $500 for a current EPA wood stove or $1000 for a current EPA pellet stove.

*** If you live on a reserve you get more money! Contact us.

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