• rebate

    Completing the Paperwork

    630Don’t let the rebate forms scare you off from making an application for the money. Please call or contact me and I will walk you through it. Here is the link rebate voucher.…

  • woodburner

    More Wood Stove Operation Videos

    765I just discovered Clean Air for All on you tube. These guys have uploaded old videos on wood stove operation and improving efficiency. Our society has dvd versions of the same. These are…

  • woodburner

    Burn It Smart

    656Burnt It Smart was a public information program created in 2002. It is often referred to as the best information source for wood stove operation, maintenance, technologies and standards. Here is some handy…

  • bvld ams airshed,  health

    Health Messaging

    917With health messaging coming from various places, this chart might help you decipher the risk level of your exposure to PM2.5. Most of the BVLD AMS airshed does not have sufficient sensors to…