Winner of a FREE Load of Wood!

Cam Stevens of Witset has won a free load of wood donated by the BVLD Airshed Management Society. This donation is also sponsored by the BC Lung Association and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change though funding of the Provincial Wood Stove Exchange Program.
Back in April we attended the Witset Health Fair where we manned a table promoting the wood stove exchange, providing educational information about air quality and it’s impacts on health and shared translations of words and phrases to do with air and the environment. Prior to that event, we were at the Smithers’ Trade Show and did roughly the same. Everyone who come by those days was eligible to enter the draw.
Yesterday the air quality in Wiset measured: 58 microns. That’s pretty high and why we want to improve the air quality.

The first photo show’s the lay of the land in the village. The second shows the view out from Cam’s house. the third photo is Cam’s.

Cam uses his mom’s old RSF, she converted to pellet years ago. It’s in the basement heating quite a large home, 2 stories and he has wood seasoning in a shed and under tarps in the yard. Here’s how to season your wood: https://www.northernhealth.ca/sites/northern_health/files/services/environmental-health/documents/wood-burning-learn-before-you-burn-info-sheet.pdf
Cam knows about keeping a bright lively fire and doesn’t dampen down so much over the course of the night that he chokes off the fire, creating smoke. He keeps the damper open enough to keep the fire hot and coals burning!
Bye the way the wood was delivered by Misener & Son. They have agreements to harvest from Houston and beyond and have done so for a number of years. Their wood is dry pine and well over a cord – good value and quick turn around once we connected. These guys are looking for business – give them a call Dwayne 250 847-1993.

Contact us if you’d like to know more! coordinator@cleanairplan.ca