We have cash rebates, volunteers, air sensors, other resources and know how. Our services are listed here.
We have cash rebates from $300 – $1500.00
The Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program click here
We have resources to lend, buy or borrow
AirBeam and Purple Air Sensors and components
- Merve 13 indoor air filters
- Stove Top Thermometers
- Burn It Smart DVD’s
- Stove Top Thermometers
- HexaCopter
- Moss Air Filter Science Fair Posters
We can help with…
- measuring air quality
- sourcing air quality sensors
- purchasing air quality sensors
- understanding air quality levels
- understanding the effect of living with poor levels
- understanding micro emissions, sources and contributions to particulate
- choosing a new heating appliance recycling a unit and getting money back
- building a woodshed
- providing tips on wood seasoning and storage
- Plus we can arrange you get professional advice on:
- assessing your building envelope for air circulation
- choosing efficient heating options
- navigating the sourcing and cost
- installation, repair maintenance
- building a cheap home air filter
- teaching/guiding G6-8 chemistry units on particulate and the basic building blocks, atoms and moelcules
- teaching/guiding G6 + science investigation or inquiries in ecology, climate change, field obvserations, PROJECT WET and more
- air quality management including smoke management
We have air quality sensors support..
- Let us help you understand what the sensors say
- We can help set you up with a sensor
We have on line and other resources…
- a document library
- pollution maps
- guides, flyers and pamphlets
- hard copies of various reports and assessments and estimations
- a micro emission inventory MEI base year (2015/2016) plus a plain language version