purple air

Visibility and Adjusting


Our weather is variable and so is our clean air. We frequently experience fumigation events and these photos are jus a snapshot in time. This cloud drifted down from above stacks and lingered over Smithers most of this day. This trend is common and we need to adapt our schedule based on air quality.

For notification of air quality advisories please sign up: its FREE. http://aqadvisories.ca

Jan 14, Smithers
Jan 14
Jan 14, Witset

This photo was taken at 10:30 am this morning and Smithers was slightly foggy as I entered town. By 3:30pm the cloud had lifted and readings were acceptable. Check out the high on the ppl air monitor (raw data 2.5) at 10:30 this morning: 65!

A common occurrance.

For todays community purple air maps… https://www.purpleair.com/map?q=map.purpleair.org#1/35/-47.3

Jan 28

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