Purple Air Sensor Network Expanding
918Sensors are giving readings all over the valley! We want to thank the for $2500 in funding toward this project. This project is largely volunteer driven but donations from various community organizations, governments…
Looking for Purple Air Sensor Hosts
989We recently activated a purple air sensor in Burns Lake. We want to thank our hosts! How exciting! Its the first purple in Burns Lake but please be patient while we iron out…
Cheap Home Air Filters
1,921The cheapest way to make a filter is to order a MERVE13 filter from us (by donation) and duct tape it onto your box fan. Contact us: coordinator@cleanairplan.ca. Filters are available on a…
Dave Stevens Passes
1,047This week marks the passing of our good friend Dave Stevens. A clean air advocate in the Bulkley Valley for many years. His positive contributions to the valley are too many to list.…
Current 2022 Wood Stove Exchange Rebate Values
2,090The value of rebates vary across the Bulkley Valley Lakes District Airshed. If you are remote and really could benefit from the program – call us anyway! This is a recycling program, old…
New Rebate Values For Reserve Lands
1,435This values have increased – check out this entry: REBATES for current amounts. The Provincial government has announced that if you: Live on a reservation within the Bulkley Valley Lakes District Airshed AND…
Smog Blog
1,724Here’s a new page where a local fella is posting smog slogs. He’ll add a few more details to this page so people know what an Air Beam is (a low-cost, palm-sized air…
1,079We have cash rebates, volunteers, air sensors, other resources and know how. Our services are listed here. We have cash rebates from $300 – $1500.00 The Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program click here…
Plain Language pamphlet about Air Quality Basics
1,180In May of 2021 Judi Krzyzanowski BSc, MSc, PhD prepared a report titled: Updated Micro Emissions Inventory for the Bulkley Valley Lakes District of BC, May 19, 2021. This report is for the…