More Wood Stove Operation Videos
752I just discovered Clean Air for All on you tube. These guys have uploaded old videos on wood stove operation and improving efficiency. Our society has dvd versions of the same. These are…
Burn It Smart
646Burnt It Smart was a public information program created in 2002. It is often referred to as the best information source for wood stove operation, maintenance, technologies and standards. Here is some handy…
Professional Certifications
818While we do not require WETT or professional certifications to get you a wood burning appliance rebate, we suggest you do. These people have good advice and often home insurance companies require you…
Search for the new Stove
937My friend was on the hunt for a new wood stove. She did a whole lot research and there is a new stove in her living room – not yet hooked up. Here…
Current 2022 Wood Stove Exchange Rebate Values
2,070The value of rebates vary across the Bulkley Valley Lakes District Airshed. If you are remote and really could benefit from the program – call us anyway! This is a recycling program, old…
New Rebate Values For Reserve Lands
1,416This values have increased – check out this entry: REBATES for current amounts. The Provincial government has announced that if you: Live on a reservation within the Bulkley Valley Lakes District Airshed AND…
1,064We have cash rebates, volunteers, air sensors, other resources and know how. Our services are listed here. We have cash rebates from $300 – $1500.00 The Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program click here…
Plain Language pamphlet about Air Quality Basics
1,161In May of 2021 Judi Krzyzanowski BSc, MSc, PhD prepared a report titled: Updated Micro Emissions Inventory for the Bulkley Valley Lakes District of BC, May 19, 2021. This report is for the…
Engineer and wood stove operator for six years, expands on good advice
1,048Chris LaSha encourage all wood stove users to install an outside inlet for an outside air feed into your stove’s damper system. See his full article to the Interior News here: https://www.interior-news.com/opinion/additional-wood-burning-advice-from-an-engineer/.
Town of Smithers offers Wood Burning Appliance Rebates
1,735If you recycle and update your non current EPA wood burning appliances you may qualify for CASHBACK. Poster If you live in the Town of Smithers there are 2 additional rebate amounts. That…