• woodburner

    Time to clean your chimney!

    1,502Potatoe peels? Balsam? That’s right with variable temperatures and constant use it’s time to check your chimney. At ours we have to take a part the single walled chimney from inside the house.…

  • woodburner

    2020 Calendar

    1,717we want your sexy stove pic’s. When at my girlfriends I realized we should print a calendar… please comment! This stove is WETT certified but not EPA compliant since its a cook stove.…

  • woodburner

    Home visits

    2,123Violet says after a thorough cleaning of her pellet stove and pipe, she’s feeling “much better” and says her dealer says her stove should be good for another 25 years! She said last…

  • purple air

    Visibility and Adjusting

    1,971Our weather is variable and so is our clean air. We frequently experience fumigation events and these photos are jus a snapshot in time. This cloud drifted down from above stacks and lingered…

  • woodburner


    6,160RSF stoves in Smithers remain a legacy. These are photos of my friend’s RSF. The stove is beloved by many and referred to in an interview with Trevor who worked at the plant…

  • Uncategorized


    3,682In wintertime, a temperature inversion occurs when cold air close to the ground is trapped by a layer of warmer air. As the inversion continues, air becomes stagnant and pollution becomes trapped close…